Be open minded because the mind can go far infinitely.
Chasing the chase.
Will you give up or will you chase till the end of time?
Creating a world.
The world isn’t always bright and it’s not always dark either.
To inspire is to be inspired.
A person of many thoughts.
Do you move with a crowd or alone?
Do you want to understand or do you want to be understood?
Do you want to tell your story or do you want to listen to someone else’s?
So many faces. People come and people go. Moment pass and time flies.
Our childhood where dreams can be anything, everything and all that wonder.
We work and we sweat with passion. We dance and we love music.
How to enlighten a dull moment is by not having a dull moment, how to not have a dull moment is to not see it as one.
Meeting with old friends is nice. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen your face. It’s been awhile since we’ve talked and when we meet again there is always this familiarity despite our growth in life. You are still the you I know. We would talk and everything feels less lonely. Together we realize we are entering the unknown and sharing the same sentiment.
If I’m weird, I’m meant to be, to find the truest of friends, who will be there to embrace me.
A note to self.
Smile everyday.
Try to laugh more often.
Indulge in new adventures.
Be deep as the deep blue sea.
Be as bold as the color red.
You can watch people live their life or you can live yours with every moment you create.
You can capture the moment or you can live in the present embracing it as it comes.
You can accept it or you can change it.
You are worth every word. You are worth every thought. You are worth the time.
You are worthy.
Music that understands you are the people that get you.
Constantly searching.
A kind look.
A warm smile.
A mysterious glance.
A questionable action.
A distant voice.
A sweet dream.
A memorable moment.
When you’re reaching for the past because the present isn’t giving.
When you’re so focused everything around you don’t seem to exist.
The power of “No”.
Don’t have expectation and you won’t feel disappointment.
Lost signal...
Is time being wasted when time is meant to be wasted?
We’re all just kids playing in a big playground called the earth.
A mutual understanding free from judgement.
Free to be you.
Free to express yourself without fault.
It is one hot summer day. Alone in a spacious office, alone in a pensive thought. I’m finished with work. I leave work. Tired and exhausted I am, but I will always take my walk around the city. What I learn most in life is endurance. Even if I’m tired, I walk and walk, walk till I can’t feel my tiredness. Some may find it odd, but I see it as a commitment and dedication to my own will to push myself to the limit.
Imperfection and flaws are what makes us real and often times more relatable.
We are put into situations where we must adapt to change.
Together we are stronger. Together we are greater. Together we can thrive prosperously.
Do you look for it or does it find you?
The truth beyond me and you.
How I let myself fall over and over again and how I pick myself up over and over again.
No one’s perfect they’re just pretending to be.
What’s more satisfying a predictable ending or a vague and confusing one that keeps you off your feet?
Me within me.
Dream within a dream.
Thought within a thought.
Space within a space.
Feeling within a feeling.
Question within a question.
I think so much sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever run out of thoughts.
A big bold statement with a visually compelling imagery.
Don’t ask, don’t question, just know.
Ask questions, don’t settle, don’t be told.
Talk the talk. Walk the walk.
The power of “Silence”.
Be bold and take the risk you won’t regret.
You’ve been living the life they tell you to live, now live the life you want to live.
When it’s not what you get out of it, it’s what you make out of it.
Reaching for the unknown…wanting more and more.
Do we ever really grow up or are the games just getting bigger and bigger with more at stake?
Not your average human.
Everyone’s chasing something but is it for the right reasons?
Fill your thoughts with calmness.
The waiting game is a dead end.
Silence, tongue tied.
I’m submerged in a pool of thoughts.
Here enters the state of confusion and chaos.
When you’re the captain to your ship but don’t know which direction to steer.
All aboard to the unknown, we will venture together in the state of obscurity.
When you’re in love with the idea of love but never loved.
What’s your definition of love?
I close my eyes and I’m taken to a place of imagination.
Every image with a music in mind. With every music there is a mood. With every mood an atmosphere is created.
What mood do you want to convey?
Lost soul roaming.
Don’t lose hope the horizon is ahead.
Fighting the darkness with light is like fighting water in an open sea.
Are you thirsty? Are you hungry? Figuratively and literally?
Taste that’s sweet and explosive.
Strange and different or boring and the same?
Bad design and good design both got us talking and everything in between is forgotten.
Is bad design really bad or is it genius for conversations.
The world is a puzzle we’re trying to solve everyday.
We are emotional beings but constantly told not to be or try not to be.
Emotions connects us on every level.
It doesn’t take much to be selfish but to be considerate it takes immense humility.
We are learning something everyday and every second things can change, therefore contradictions can happen at any moment and very often.
Art for being simply beautiful.
A journey of a thousand thorns.
A smile that’s contagious. Spread the love.
Tears that hold baggages.
Simply complicated. As complicated as you make it.
Some see and take, others see and make.
Some seek to take, others seek to make.
Like a revolving door.
Sometimes we can feel defeated, we can hit a wall, but know, the journey doesn’t have to be so lonely.
We are more the same than different after all.
A mirror facing each other. Do you see the reflection?
Opinions on opinions.
Extending a hand to all.
What happens when things move at a fast speed without a guide? Chaos tends to ensue.
Overload and overheat.
Seeking for the perfect that does not exist.
An achievement validated to oneself or the recognition from others.
Bread crumbs.
Paralyzed by one’s privilege.
When your thought consumes you, how do you consume it?
When the closest thing to paradise is a dream.
When you are invisible in a crowd you become one of many.
Poisoned by social anxiety.
Immersive experience, pop up.
Don’t wait for the opportunity, make your opportunity.
Chess is the game and it’s your move to make.
It’s not too late to hold yourself up to higher ground.
The pain we all feel.
The power to “Feel Empathy”.
Don’t let your ego and pride cloud you.
To humble oneself or be humbled.
Ripping the band-aid off.
Be kinder to yourself.
We are all figuring it out.
Fighting the fight.
Finding purpose.
A blurry world.
A crumbling pyramid.
A crashing aesthetic.
Blinded by everything that surrounds.
Bubble burst.
Chalk it up.
To be reborn again as a new era approach.
New beginnings.
Golden Goose, lay some golden eggs.
A heavenly dream, the getaway.
I want it, I need it so badly, can you feel my despair and desperation?
Back when I was…
Waltzing through…
Out of body…I’m floating
Will we ever live our dreams or will it fade with time.
Falling in the arms of comfort.
Cloud Chaser: a person chasing clouds
Night activation on…
Smooth and cruise.
We are here on earth for just so long, let’s make the best of it.
Always searching for that new sound.
The beat that got you on beat.
Night drive got all the problems on pause.
Embracing the moment as it comes.
It’s all about the mindset.
Come say hi. Have a good day.
Feeling all types of way these days.
When they say you’re saying too much but really we all be thinking the same…Brave souls.
Speed racer chasing wind.
Juice box juicing up.
Music Box mixing emotions.
Boxing through life’s problem.
Tripping every step of the way.
Clinging to every breath.
We’re magnetic.
Make the future you want to live in.